Produkte Simulators
Socket converters
Part identification:XXXX/YYYY
example: PLCC44/DIL40 MCS51 |
assigned for simulating/emulating such EPROM in PLCC32, which have 28 pins in DIL (e.g. 27256, 27512)
NC pins 1,12,17,26
mechanical life - 500 cycles
ord. no.: 70-0091
Price: € 99,31
assigned for simulating/emulating all PLCC32 devices
mechanical life - 500 cycles
wiring 1:1
ord. no.: 70-0047
Price: € 105,00
assigned for emulating microcontrollers '51 family in socket PLCC44
NC pins 1,12,23,34
mechanical life - 500 cycles
ord. no.: 70-0049
Price: € 99,31
assigned for simulating 16-bit EPROMs in DIL40 socket with two 8-bit simulators
ord. no.: 70-0014
Price: € 23,79
Y-cabel to connect 2x simulators SIMEPROM-01B
Ord. no.: 60-0017
Price: € 21,86