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SofTec MP8011A Multi-Programming System

  • Gang Programming-System for
    EPROM, EEPROM and FLASH of Microcontrollers
  • Basic unit and Device special
  • Up to 8 devices simultaneously to program
  • High throughput
  • Comfortable Software
  • Conection PC- printer port
  • Approved by CE laboratory to meet CE requirements
  • Warranty - 2 years



  • The MP8011A Gang Programming System, in combination with a standard personal computer, is a full featured, high-performance multiple (gang) programming system specific for EPROM-, EEPROM- and FLASH-based microcontrollers.

  • MP8011A supports the concurrent programming of up to eight devices; different device packages can be accommodated through DIP, SDIP, SOIC, PLCC and QFP adapters.

  • MP8011A is a PC-hosted programmer: it communicates with the host PC through the LPT parallel port. The MP8011A hardware has two separate sections: a single, universal and upgradable base unit, ready to support current and future devices, and a number of device-specific programming heads.

  • Blank checking, reading, erasing, programming and verifying operations are supported. MP8011A is ready to support future devices.

  • The upgrade operation for the support of new devices is as simple as downloading new releases of the PC software, always available from SofTec Microsystems' web site, and eventually changing the device-specific programming heads.

  • The modular approach (a general-purpose base unit and dedicated programming heads) represents the best tradeoff between cost and reliability, since it allows users to replace damaged heads at a minimum cost.

  • MP8011A can be operated with a single push-button, the PC being only used to preset essential parameters like device, input file, device options.

  • The MP8011A standard delivery package consists in the main gang programmer unit, external power supply adapter, parallel cable and user's guide.

  • Programming heads can be chosen among the many possible packages to fit user's requirements.

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Programming-Head for SDIP-Devices

Programming-Head for DIP-Devices

Programming-Head for SOIC-Devices

Programming-Head for QFP-Devices



  • Programming heads are small printed circuit boards which connect to the programming sites on the base unit. Each programming head includes the appropriate socket (DIP, SDIP, SOIC, PLCC or QFP) - and the appropriate electrical connections - for programming a specific device. Each programming head includes a "Good" LED which, at the end of an operation on the device, turns on indicating the operation has been successful.



The MP8011A user interface has two separate windows for editing the code and data memory (if present) of the device to be programmed. An info panel always displays information about the device to be programmed. Additionally, the status of the programming sites is shown together with the statistics about programmed device. The editing of the Option Byte(s) is simplified through a special dialog box - the Option Bytes dialog box is specific for each device and allows you to edit each single bit (exception made for reserved bits) of the option bytes of the device you are working with. The MP8011A can perform blank checking, erasing, reading, programming and verifying operations. 

Actual Device-list

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A special operation, the Auto operation, groups the blank checking, erasing, programming and verifying operations in a single operation, speeding up the programming process. All of the operations share a common, simple, easy-to-use dialog box.

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  • Protected Mode simplifies the programming process by means of an easy, guided procedure that requires no special knowledge. Protected Mode is suitable for the programming of a large amount of devices. Entering and exiting the Protected Mode is password protected.

This times strongly depend on PC speed, LPT port type and operating system free resources.

Device Memory Operation Time
COP8SBR9HVA 32K FLASH Program code, verify code, program options, verify options

20 sec.

MC68HC908GP32 32K FLASH Erase/program code, verify code

17 sec.

MC68HC908JL3 4K FLASH Erase/program code, verify code

6 sec.

PIC12C509A 1K EPROM Program code, verify code, program options, verify options

4 sec.

Erase, programm code, verify code, program data, verify data, program options, verify options

15 sec.

Blank check code, program code, verify code, erase data, program, data verify, data blank check options, program options, verify options

16 sec.

ST72T251G2B6 8K ROM Blank check code, program code, verify code

4 sec.

ST72C254G2B6 8K ROM Blank check code, program code, verify code, program options, verify options

7 sec.

Please note:
Programming time is proportional to memory zise.

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Software Upgrades
SofTec Microsystems is continuously adding the support for new devices to the MP8011A Gang Programming System. The support for a new device consists typically in the development of a specific programming head and in the release of a new version of the MP8011A user interface. The latest version of the user interface is always available for free at our download page.
Die aktuelle Software-Version finden Sie unter:
Software Download


  • Operating voltage 18V DC, max. 1A
  • Power consumption: max. 600mA
  • Dimensions: 250L x 205W x 38H mm
  • Weight: 1.55kg (without power adapter)
  • Temperatur: 0° -  40°C

Package includes

  • Basic programmer unit MP8011A
  • connection cables
  • Power adapter 220VAC/18VDC
  • User manual
  • Software

Look for Programming-Heads as you need.

Price:  MP8011A-Basis  €  1480,00

Programmer price also includes

  • Free technical support (hot line)
  • Free life-time software update via Internet Download

The information in this document are subject to change without notice.

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